As Ronald Reagan said, "I didn't leave the Democrat party, the Democrat party left me".
(Or something like that).
Locally, I can still stomach Democrats in power. I even plan on voting and campaigning for, our state Atty. Gen. should he decide to run against our current useless RINO Governor. And there are city/town Democrats that seem to still have a grasp on reality.
But how ANYONE with a patriotic bone in their body can walk into a voting booth and pull a lever for ANY of the vile, socialist, Marxist, anti-American scum that the national leadership of the demon-rats has consistently supported is beyond me.
THINK people...THINK!
Even my 82 year old, dyed-in-the-wool, Boston-Irish, Democrat for life Uncle says that he may just have to vote Republican this year...for the first time in his life.
THAT alone should be a McCain commercial!
I nearly fell off my chair when I heard it.
NObama is a glass-jawed rookie-Marxist who couldn't stand up to a few pointed questions in a debate without spending the next few days whining about it, and flipping the bird to Hillary like a Junior High School punk. How would he handle Al Qaeda?
(Frightening to even consider).
Hillary is a vapid, totally corrupt, soulless viper, who would make the iron fist of Stalin look like a day at the beach with Winnie-the-Pooh!
What would the body count go up to then?
It has long been the norm that nationally anyway, a vote for the Democrat is a vote for the demise of America.
I choose to vote for Freedom.