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Basic common sense, updated as needed, regarding world news, local issues, and just general thoughts. Some may call these comments, (rants), CONSERVATIVE. I guess that means Conservatives HAVE common sense. But more importantly, these are MY thoughts. Not the lock-step rants of "my handlers". Basically this: AMERICAN. Patriotic. Conservative. Republican. Catholic. White. Not ashamed of any of it. No excuses. How do ya like them apples?

Thursday, March 23, 2006

What Would Jesus Do?

NY Times headline:

3 Western Aid Workers in Iraq Rescued in Military Operation

Some news outlets are reporting the story as: "Peace Activists Released"...as if out of the kindness of their captors hearts, they simply let them go. A fourth captor was brutally beaten, tortured, and killed. His body dumped on a street to be found by the locals.
This fourth "aid worker", (who may have had to wear underwear on his head before being killed), won't be available for a statement at this time.
But the three that were RESCUED BY THE MILITARY, (Americans and Brits), have made statements regarding their release.
I've read those statements, and conspicuously missing was any mention of the fact that it was the very military "occupiers" they so loath that facilitated their RESCUE! Not a hint of respect or gratitude for the people who risked their lives to save them!

What a surprise.
These "Christians" certainly know their creed huh?

What Would Jesus Do?
Well, I may just be guessing...but I'm pretty sure that JESUS may have done the "Christian thing", and at least said "thank you" !!!

There's a special place in heaven for the rescuers.
There's a special place in hell for the captors.
There must be a special place reserved for ungrateful "Western Aid Workers" too.

Any ideas?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Lá 'le Pádraig (St. Patrick's Day)!

Our Patron Saint of Ireland

Well, I'm still keepin' to my Lenten pledge!
But know this: Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde!
I'll be back.
In the meantime, to all of you Irish out there, and all that wish they were...
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig oraibh!

May St. Patrick intercede on your behalf
and God be beside you when you walk,
in your voice when you talk,
in your eyes when you see,
in your ears when you hear
in your heart when you pray
in your mind when you think
and in your hands when you touch.
In every sense may it be
that God is with you eternally.

Oíche mhaith, codladh sámh

Friday, March 03, 2006

This ISN'T easy...but I promised.

Jay Bennish,
Overland High School, Aurora, Colorado GEOGRAPHY "teacher".
(And apparent expert on the history of the Nazi Party and Capitalism).

Here's something I have to consider.
My dear mother, (GOD bless her soul - Peace Be Upon Her), always told me, and she was a great believer in this philosophy, "if you can't think of something good to say about someone, just don't say anything at all".

Also, I made a promise, that I would give up negative comments and disparaging remarks about people for the Lenten season.

So please, click below or copy/paste into your browser, http://www.9news.com/acm_news.aspx?

Once you have read all about this "teacher"...and in light of my dear mother's advice, as well as my Lenten sacrifice, LOOK AT HIM!!!...and just imagine what I'm thinking!

So, for the next 40 days roughly, all I have to say about Mr. Bennish is.........................................

Kim Komando, America's Digital Goddess